Forseps / Vakum Doğum Maketi

The manikin used in “Advanced Life Support in OBstetrics” (ALSO) training programs. Has all of the same realistic and accurate anatomical
manikin features as in our Obstetrical Manikin #180, but with added features of premature and full term fetuses. The soft vinyl pelvis replicates
resistance encountered in a delivery requiring forceps or vacuum intervention. The removable abdominal overlay provided with this manikin is
different from those that come with the #180 OB manikin, but the overlays are interchangeable, and optional. Powder to make simulated blood,
extra vulva, and soft carry bag is included. Forceps & Vacuum Extractor not included. Size: 21" x 13" x 17". Ship weight 17 lbs.

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